Architecture: Residential Drafting and Design Book Review

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Architecture: Residential Drafting and Design provides comprehensive instruction for preparing architectural working drawings using traditional and computer-based methods. The text also serves as a reference for design and construction principles and methods. Its highly effective format organizes content around the design-building process, making the text easy to understand and appealing to students.The new edition of this text has been extensively revised and features new chapters covering sustainable design and building sections. New chapter features include Green Architecture, Employability, Problem Solving Case Study, and Curricular Connections to expand on chapter topics, explain current trends, and promote student interest. Each chapter contains sample test questions for the American Design Drafting Association (ADDA) Drafter Certification Test to help students work toward earning professional certification.The text has been enhanced with a new, colorful design and includes many Architecture: Residential Drafting and Design read book online now.

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